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Reflection 2

Assalamualaikum dear readers, Upon entering the course Usrah in Action 2, I felt excited to take the next step. In the previous semester, my usrah team members split into three groups: health, economics and education. These groups had to come up with ideas to improve the mentioned aspects of the Rohingya community located at Sungai Ular. I was apart of the Health team, alongside, Sarah, Nabilah, Amira, Najihah and Fathul. Unfortunately, I could not make it to the first visit to Sungai Ular and missed the initial interview session. However the information gained in the first visit was that the people of Rohingya stuggle financially. This resulted in poor education and health. Majority of the women compared did not speak Bahasa Melayu or English, so there was a language barrier between us, the students and the Rohingya community. We noticed that although they struggled financially, a typical Rohingya family would consist of 4 children or more. The questionnaire prepared by us included a ...

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Reflection 1